Nityam is a Mobile Application to primarily Track/Record daily Health Progress or other Important Activities for various purposes. Questions, in this application are for specific purpose based on the input form the Category Specialist. Set of questions for each category can be added to application as a data in Questionnaire table. User is told to select an appropriate category and a specialist whose services will be taken by a user. Score for each question depends on the answer provided by the user. Total score of each day is captured and represented in graphical form on mobile screen for a day/ week/ month/ Quarter/ Year. There is facility to send a Report in a PDF file of Data captured for a day or a week etc. to the expert for analysis so that he can provide feedback OR suggest next line of action. Data is stored locally on mobile device at users own responsibility. Mobile application can be used at a subscription charge for various time period like monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly , Yearly. Cloud backup services can be also availed at a separate subscription cost. Beta version (no cost) of this application is available till 30 Sept 2023.